How do I enable Memory insights in Linux ?

As shown in the picture:

I tried to manually run it using this:

./UnrealInsights -trace=memory

I tried to manually add ‘-trace=memory’ to parameter in StartUnrealInsights method (rebuilded and relaunched Unreal) and started it from Button Trace on right corner.
Then I get :

LogTraceUtilities: Launched Unreal Insights executable: /home/user/Applications/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UnrealInsights "../../../../../Projects/Unreal/Project/Saved/Profiling/20230518_172355.utrace" -trace=memory 

Both result in same thing… No memory profiling …

Any Idea what prams are used in Linux ? In documentation only .exe is shown. (Memory Insights in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation)

In the UnrealEngine I cannot select memAlloc option either …

You should start program with -trace=memory, such as

UnrealEditor.exe path/to/your.uproject -trace=memory