How do I disable motion blur on my 3D HUD?

I only want motion blur disabled for the rounded square mesh just like it’s disabled on the FPS hands. Their right next to each other in the same blueprint but one has serious motion blur and the other has none.

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I am having the same problem.

Unreal Engine 4 - [PUBG] 3D Live Widget - YouTube Right there they’ll teach you how to make a 3d Widget. I did it, and it works, and there’s no motion blur for those items. Hopefully this will work for you, but be aware, this solution is not as performant as simply strapping a 3d mesh to your camera. Happy creating!

Hello from the future. Just posting this here to help anyone who might be stuck in the future and finding this post.
I have been searching for a solution to this problem for a while now and I’ve just figured it out! In the material of your widget component, set the ‘Translucency Pass’ in the details panel of the material to ‘After Motion Blur’ - this will solve the issue.


Thank you so much, truly. I want to hug you and spin you around with joy.