How do i disable animation optimizations on player blueprint?

Hello, i implemented the functionality of this question but i started noticing that when the player is not visible on the main camera the animations stop being played as an optimization, because theorically it’s not being seen by the camera, but since i have that follow camera this is not what i what. How do i disable that optimization so that it will always play the animations even if the player is not visible on camera?

Thank you for your answer, can i set that flag on the editor or through blueprints? Or it is only available through c++?

You probably have the mesh of your character set to:

Mesh->MeshComponentUpdateFlag = EMeshComponentUpdateFlag::AlwaysTickPose;

(This is the default for a Character).
This means that while the mesh is still ticked, the bones are however not evaluated while not rendered.
You want to set it to this instead:


This will always tick and refresh bone transforms.


It’s an enum on the mesh component of your character. You can set that in the default properties of your actor, through blueprint code, or C++.

In the editor you can go to the default properties of your Character blueprint, and find the following property:

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, AdvancedDisplay, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=SkeletalMesh)
	TEnumAsByte<EMeshComponentUpdateFlag::Type> MeshComponentUpdateFlag;

I will try it when i can and i will let you know. Thnks :slight_smile:

From the experiment that i did it looks like it is working, thank you :slight_smile: