How do I disable all unused plugins if I am not sure which one are in use?

Is there a way to automatically disable all unused plugins in the project? I’ve been rendering my model, so I had to turn on a few. Yet I’m just a 3D artist and very new to UE itself. So I don’t quite remember what exactly I’ve enabled while following tons of tutorials :crazy_face:
One of the technical requirements for the marketplace is to disable all unused plugins. So I wonder how I can find the right ones

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Hi Inegvin,

Open your projects .uproject file with a text editor. This will show you the plugins that you’ve enabled. (There are many plugins that are enabled by default, and they should not show up in this list)

Also just to be clear, if it’s enabled by default but ‘unused’ you don’t need to worry about disabling it for marketplace submission.



If you look in the top right hand corner of the screen you’ll see a settings icon that looks like a grey COG click that and then click Plugins in the drop down menu, you can manage all you’re plugin’s there.

If you use experimental stuff you might have to remove them before shipping any product for sale.

See the highlight blue tab in the corner in this pic.
This is version 5

Very kind
I received this notice from Marketplace Support:
There are some unused plugins enabled. If needed, please list under “Additional Notes” on Product page. There must be a disclaimer on the project page explaining the dependency or requirement.
The problem that I don’t know how to proceed. I have not enabled any plugins in the project and therefore I don’t know which ones I should now disable to satisfy the Marketplace Support requests.
Then I don’t understand what to do with disclaimer what to write …
Thank you very much for a possible reply.

Hey @acrobatazongler!

If you right click your .uproject file and open with notepad, it will show you what extra plugins you have enabled. Generally those are the ones you are going to have to make sure are not enabled or have a disclaimer.


I hope the above is the solution you need!


Many thanks for the reply. Sorry for my bad English. This is the notification I got from Unreal Engine Marketplace
Hello Marek,

We’ve completed a review of your product (NebulaFantasy) and there are some concerns that must be addressed before we can proceed. Please refer to the PDF attached to this email for further details.

Your product now has a status of CHANGES NEEDED. Please take the following steps to submit changes to your product and put it back into a status of PENDING APPROVAL:

  1. Find and open this product in the Seller Portal
  2. Edit the Project File Link of your pre-existing Project Version in the Product Files section with a link to download the most up-to-date version of your project folder that takes the aforementioned concerns into account
  3. Click SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL in the footer

Before submitting the product back for approval, please review the Unreal Engine Marketplace Guidelines and ensure that your submission is in total compliance.

Unreal Engine Marketplace
In the pdf in line 29 highlighted in red it tells me what I need to correct. So I hope your suggestion will help me solve my problem.
A thousand thanks

If you right click your .uproject file and open with notepad, it will show you what extra plugins you have enabled. Generally those are the ones you are going to have to make sure are not enabled or have a disclaimer.

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Hey @acrobatazongler,

Checking in to see if the solution provided worked for you!

Hi I have created a material for Marketplace with iMac and I would like it to be compatible with MacOS and Windows PC and can I create these packages with iMac?
A thousand thanks

The one thing people aren’t mentioning is what to look for in the .uproject file (basically because its so simple they assume you’ll know). I was in the same boat as you. I didn’t understand what they were talking about…

Until I opened my .uproject file and took a look. Then it was obvious. Here is my uncorrected .iproject file:

Delete the highlighted plugins (only the unneeded plugins will be listed).

I hope this helps clear it up!

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