I have collision damage working fine , but I want the damage to only be dealt when the players and enemies collision boxes over lap for 2 seconds. (If my player escapes the enemies collision box before two seconds he takes no damage is what i’m after) I have tried a delay and all that does is deal damage 2 seconds later regardless of weather the collision boxes are still overlapping or not.
All help is appreciated.
good morning
this should solve ur problem.^^
u have the overlap event which goes into a triggerable delay (so it resets every time u begin overlap) and the key is to ask if it is overlapping after the 2 seconds again
i made a simple sphere collision here and get a filtered array of the playercharacter (so u dont get all those other actors overlapped) , this works on player side the same way. if you for example have a “Basic enemy” bp and all child Bp’s of that would be enemy , so u just have to filter the basic enemy instead of different classes.
Good morning! And a huge thank you! Retriggerable delay was exactly what I needed. Thank you very much
it would be nice if you could mark it as a answer
Marked it, First question on this so I didn’t really know how thanks again