In UE3 there was the same problem - lighting dynamic meshes were really hard. Thanks to lighting channels we were able to add couple of specific lights for dynamic objects. We can’t do that in UE4.
Simple example:
Create small corridor with couple of different lights color,
Place 3 dynamic meshes (skel, destructive etc) one in the beginning of the corridor, one in center and one in the end,
Observe not-looking-good lighting,
Is there any option to get the mesh darker/brighter on mobile? Without this feature it’s another thing (reflection sphere radius as well) that is stopping us to create great looking levels on mobile.
Tim - I know about everything you mentioned. I’m creating mobile games using Unreal for 3 years now I’m not a newbie.
I will be grateful if someone from Epic responsible for mobile can help out here or let me know when Unreal Engine 4 will be good enough for mobile AAA development. It isn’t now.
I can understand your frustration. Please don’t feel like I was treating you like a newbie.
These are the capabilities of the engine in its current state. This is an ever evolving state that will be there soon!
As a warning this is posted for those who are signing up for a subscription:
[We have recently posted on the Wiki our test of our Android devices for compatibility as well.][2]
[Also you can take a look at our UE4 Roadmap that lists our features and their planned time-frame.][3]
Currently in that list for mobile specifically are:
Mobile Preview in Editor
Mobile Dynamic Shadows
Low-end Mobile Optimizations
Simple Dynamic Lighting for Mobile
Granted the latter three are on backlog/wishlist at the moment they are on their and are ultimately planned for implementation.
Sorry if I were to offensive. UE4 is still the best engine I’ve ever used!
Thanks for answer! Yes the frustration is starting killing me;) Our prototype is looking awesome (better than on UE3) and it can look much more better with some lighting/reflections improvements. This is enough information for me. We will invest some time and try to implement something by ourselves.
When 4.5 releases there will be support for a single movable directional light with fully dynamic shadows. Movable and spot lights are still not supported yet.
Thanks Tim, they work great with mobile lights now!
I noticed that this doesn’t seem to be completed for stationary lights: neither per-object shadows nor directional dynamic shadows seem to be working, despite both of those using cascaded shadow maps (I think? Not 100% sure about per-object shadows) just like mobile lights.
just want to join the conversation instead of opening a new thread.
I’m struggling with movable directional light and shadows on MOBILE.
as soon as the directional light is in the scene (and set to movable) all textures of my (also movable) objects stay black.