How do i create a top down camera from scratch

I am working on i game project i made without any content. I wanted to build stuff from scratch to learn the game engine
and not need to remove a bunch of stuff i didnt need but that could cause problems later. So i made a character wich i
added a camera to. The problem is that the camera now rotates along with the capsule. What is the best solution for
making a camera that follows the character but dosent rotate in the world? Also i havent found the setting that tells the
game wich is the main camera because when i deleted the camera that was in the character and added a new one the game
dosent use it as a default camera. I still see the game from the pov of the character when i test the game.
I also tried following a tutorial that shows how to switch between cameras using trigger volumes, because im gonna need that feature later, but i get a warning when
i compile saying “Item is already a layer Character,you dont need K2Node_DynamicCast_0”. Nothing happens when i enter
the trigger volumes wherther i use the cast or not.
I suspect the game is using first person mode as it spawn the character when i test the level. If i manually place the character in the world
it spawn another one that is under my control. The game mode i use is a default game mode as i cant find blueprints for top down, i
think its because i started the game without content. :frowning:

Try the template projects and study those. They will help you greatly. There are no shortcuts in learning.

Hi, thx for the reply. I managed to fix the camera problem by going into a new project and looking at the blueprints. I had tried that earlier but i guess i didnt
really know where to look the first time around. Ive learned alot about the unreal engine in the past week. Howerver the player getting spawned when i press play
i havent managed to solve, ive compared the settings for the character blueprint, the controller blueprint and the level with a those in a new top down project
but havent found anything. My game is a single player game but i will need two versions of the player character, one for indoor enviorement and one for out door.
The outdoor version will have a bigger inverntory as he will be wearing a backpack, and will be dressed differently, he will also have more animations. I thought
about maybe solving this in the constructor script for the level or the player but i think it will be easier just to make two different character and then set wich
one to use for every level. But that i havent managed to find this outside of the world settings. And those seem to be identical to the ones in a topdown project.
Where is the setting that tells the game to create a new character when it starts and not use the one i manually put in the level?