How do i copy my characrer with equipment to an actor?

How do i copy my characrer with equipment to an actor?

For example i have created a actor with the same skeletal mash as my main player how can i duplicate my character to an actor with my equipment attached ?

I have made a rendering screencapture for a inventory and its working both now i want to figure a way out for showing actual state (equipment that im wearing)

(Sorry for the bad english)

Basically what I would do is duplicate the character BP, then remove everything not needed for the “inventory” version like movement controls etc. Then make a variable out of all the armor and equipment you want to display. Create a function that when this inventory becomes active it will populate all the current player armor and equipment into the inventory version and you should be good to go.

Additionally you could leave everything as is, and when you open the inventory spawn in a new “character BP” and set all the armor and equipment variables to whatever the actively controlled character has. Just don’t possess the extra character.

Thanks for the reply Nebula!

hmm but im really new to this so i dont quite i understand all of the “scripting” logic… I mainly do my stuff with the bluescript editor inside Unreal so im no programmer just a starter could you give me a example of what i should look like so i can understand it better?

The “scripting” logic is blueprints. I am not a programmer either haha And now that I think about it, if I am correct in imagining that you basically open up an inventory system that has your player mesh in there, doing nothing but standing with all the current armor and equipment and you want to add or modify the armor you could just spawn in the character BP again and set all the variables of the “dummy” character to the current “playable” character variables. A simple function that takes equipment and armor (and any other variable you want passed) as an input and get a reference to the spawned dummy character and then pass these variables to it.

**I probably confused you but it’s a little hard to explain. If you had screen shots of what you have so far and what isn’t working it might be a little easier to guide you.

Here can you see what i mean and what my goal is I hope it helps

Ahh, I see, you are not actually creating a new character BP, just an image of the real one. Not sure unfortunately, I don’t mess around with that stuff. I was giving you a 3D solution that involved a separate instance of your player character haha