How do I control the FPS cap & reprojection?

I’ve been playing around with VR for quite a while now, but one thing I can not manage to understand is how to control the 90 fps cap and the 45 fps reprojection modes.
Is there perhaps a settings file that I’m missing?
Is there any option in the project/editor settings?

Well, what exacly do you want to achive?

As far as I know you can only enable or disable reprojection in the Steam VR Settings under Performance Tab.

But I don’t recommend disabling it since you will get black frames if your Application is not running at 90 FPS constantly.
There is no such thing as 80,70,60,50 FPS, only 90 is stable (44 kinda is, but it feels really slow.)

Good day to you, Rukasu! Thanks for the response.
I need it for profiling. I can’t monitor performance improvement or impoverishment past 90FPS if the cap is on =(
I managed to disable frame skipping by going thought the SteamVR options.

Glad you where able to figure it out.


Hey Snowbro,

Where is this disable frame skipping you speak of? I haven’t seen anything like that in the SteamVR options.

It is a small checkbox on the bottom of the second last tab: allow reprojection
Yuo can even disable the perform heuristic thing as a whole.