How do I check which Pawn is being possessed?

I have 2 player control schemes , a First Person Character and a HMD locomotion pawn which are being possessed by the player controller when either one is being used and being destroyed and unpossessed when not in use . I need to do different things if one or the other is selected. I want to set up a branch if HMD Locomotion Pawn is in use and then go through some blueprint nodes. I tried making it set a variable boolean when HMD Locomotion Pawn is possessed and set it to false when unpossessed but that variable is not being set correctly.

Is there a way to just check if the Player controller is possessing the HMD Locomotion Pawn blueprint ? or if it is possessing the First Person Character


The node you’re looking for is “GetControlledPawn” inside the PlayerController


thank you

Also consider using Interfaces and more object oriented approach, which would make it so you don’t have to check what class of pawn is using the controller.

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Thank you! :+1: