How do I change the resolution before saving the game?

Hello, how could I change the resolution before archiving the game to be 1920x 1080 px in the game, after I archive the game has a resolution of 4k, I would like to set it to be lower and not to remain only 4k ?

You can use a save game object. This allows you to create slots and load them. Before the game starts or on the Event BeginPlay, you could look at the saved file and if it is set to be 1920x1080 you can set that in the resolution. I highly recommend watching a tutorial, however here is an explanation below:

Create a save game object:

Create a variable inside of the Save Game Object called Resolution, and set it to be public:

You now need to create the logic. In this case I will show you how to save information to a save game slot and how you then can load it to set the game resolution. The code is running on startup and checks if there is a save game slot that already exists. If it does it will load the variable we created before and set that as the resolution. If it doesn’t exist it will first create the save game slot and then run the loading logic:

Hello Elias I try to do but I don’t know how, is my first time when I use unreal engine 5, can you give me one tutorial or something to understand better please ?

Check this one: How To Set/Change Screen Resolution In A Shipped Game (Packaged & Exported) Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - YouTube

Many Unreal Engine 4 tutorials are still great for Unreal Engine 5.

Hello, I did the same as in the tutorial but it didn’t work, after I gave the package project I still have a high resolution, that means not everyone will be able to play the game if they don’t have a powerful PC that can run 4k on it

Oh I see, if I am not mistaken… Unreal Engine automatically sets the resolution to the supported size. In your case for the 4K monitor you will see 4K. I have a 1920x1080 screen, so I will get that resolution when I start your game.

If you want an options menu on how to change these settings manually, there are plenty.

Ok, I will look for how to manually change the settings so that I don’t have 4k left, so more people will be able to play the game, thanks for the advice!