How do I change my account summary on the forums?

My summary before the fix was not an accurate summary of my knowledge of Unreal Engine 5. I am beyond the average developer at this point. I rather it be blank that. I really want it gone and thought it would be easy to change later on when I got to this point.

Fixed now as of 9/7/2023

Thanks for sticking around.

If you click on your Name in the upper-left of the screen, do you see an ā€œEdit Profileā€ button? (You might need to switch to the ā€˜Aboutā€™ section from ā€˜Interactionsā€™)

And I think that text will be in the ā€˜Summaryā€™ section.

Let us know if youā€™re still having troubles.

Epic Developer Community (](TheKJ | Epic Developer Community)

The Edit Profile (including the summary part)only changes the content on this page ^^ . But if you try to look at my history(interactions button) you get loaded back and see this

I see. Thank you for the extra info. Iā€™m not seeing any way to clear it on my end. Iā€™ll escalate this to someone with more familiarity with the Forums inner workings.

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Thanks, I really appreciate it. I would honestly like to make this account a little more public. Openly share it through my company pages and accounts to be more transparent with my consumers but itā€™s too inaccurate.

Bump/Help me lol.
Iā€™m at the point where I just link this post whenever someone treats me like an idiot on the forums.

EDIT. Thank you so much guys fixing it!

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