I’m trying to do a blueprint to set multiple lightning configurations of my static mesh actors at once, i need to change cast static shadow, cast distance field indirect shadows, etc… Which are BlueprintReadOnly, i’ve tried to do this by python but even though the documentation saying it’s a Read/Write property i still get a read-only error, so how do i change this? Do i have to compile all my projects from source to be able to do this or is there some other way to do this?
If it’s accessible in c++ make a c++ class to mange the property? The BlueprintReadWrite does not make it const in c++.
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So, can i make a class in c++ that, let’s say “supports” editor utilities and let’s say i make a “setInstanceCastStaticShadows(ustaticmeshcomponent inst, bool value)” function, can i call that function from the editor utility blueprint?
And i got myself thinking why wasn’t i able to edit that value from python? According to the documentation i should be able to do that.
I believe so yes. I might be wrong but BlueprintReadOnly might affect python? I switched to 99% c++ long ago.
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