How do I build lighting locally on Linux?

According to Epic’s documentation on Swarm Agent:

Currently, Swarm Agent and Coordinator are only supported for Windows. Light builds on Mac and Linux will only build locally.

How do I build locally? If I use Build > Build Lighting Only or Build > Build All Levels, I get the error:

Import Volumetric Lightmap failed: Expected 64 tasks, only 0 were reported as completed from Swarm"

I cant find any information about this online, chatbots just give me slop, and there are no options for Swarm Agent in Project settings or Editor settings (I believe Swarm Agent must be installed for this). I’ve tried blank projects and blank levels and get the same result.

Possibly useful info:

Editor: Linux_Unreal_Engine_5.5.0 - see

Lumen: Disabled

Nanite: Disabled

OS: Ubuntu 24.04

Driver Version: 535.183.01 CUDA Version: 12.2

PCPartPicker Part List

Where can I find this occult knowledge?