How do I animate 2D eyes on a 3D character?

I have set up a few nodes that will allow me to change the value of the offset so I can change it to be a blink. However, I am not sure how you animate this. I don’t necessarily want to use a flipbook because that is going to go through all the different eyes which is something I don’t want. If you take a look at the picture I’ve labeled below, you should see from the BreakOutFloat2Components node on the bottom that I have connected a Constant2Vector which allows me to change the offset on either U or V. 0 is just the basic eyes being open. 0.25 is eyes halfway closed and 0.5 is eyes closed.

I want to be able to initiate an event that triggers every 2-8 seconds where it will play a blink going from 0 to 0.25, 0.5, 0.25 and back to 0. Is this possible? And if so, how?

Maybe you can try something like this:

Then you need to set the Tile parameter to the number of tile you want to see. E.g. on .00 seconds – tile 1, on .25 seconds – tile 5, on .5 – tile 9, on .75 – tile 13, and on 1.0 – tile 1 again.

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Hey thanks for the answer :slight_smile: Got it working without using a flipbook as I wanted the blink to appear between every 2 and 5 seconds. Ended up converting the Constant2 into a Parameter. From there I made a blueprint of the character and created a dynamic material instance, setting the element index to the material of the eyes. From the exit I added a Set Vector Parameter Value on Materials to the one where the eye is fully open. On the exit I added a delay with the Duration being a Random Float in Range of Min value 2.0 to Max value to 5.0. On the Delay exit, I repeated the process changing the Y value to 0,25 with another delay on exit of 0.02 seconds and repeated this process until the eye was fully closed. After the eye was fully closed I added a delay on exit to 0.1 seconds to make the blink appear more natural and when the eye was halfway open again, I made the exit point go back to the first Set Vector Parameter Value on Materials to repeat the process :slight_smile:


wow this thread has been really helpful for the game im planning to make! thank yall!

Hey i know it’s a bit late but can you show the blueprint? I don’t quite understand your process. Thanks!