I have set up a few nodes that will allow me to change the value of the offset so I can change it to be a blink. However, I am not sure how you animate this. I don’t necessarily want to use a flipbook because that is going to go through all the different eyes which is something I don’t want. If you take a look at the picture I’ve labeled below, you should see from the BreakOutFloat2Components node on the bottom that I have connected a Constant2Vector which allows me to change the offset on either U or V. 0 is just the basic eyes being open. 0.25 is eyes halfway closed and 0.5 is eyes closed.
I want to be able to initiate an event that triggers every 2-8 seconds where it will play a blink going from 0 to 0.25, 0.5, 0.25 and back to 0. Is this possible? And if so, how?
Then you need to set the Tile parameter to the number of tile you want to see. E.g. on .00 seconds – tile 1, on .25 seconds – tile 5, on .5 – tile 9, on .75 – tile 13, and on 1.0 – tile 1 again.
Hey thanks for the answer Got it working without using a flipbook as I wanted the blink to appear between every 2 and 5 seconds. Ended up converting the Constant2 into a Parameter. From there I made a blueprint of the character and created a dynamic material instance, setting the element index to the material of the eyes. From the exit I added a Set Vector Parameter Value on Materials to the one where the eye is fully open. On the exit I added a delay with the Duration being a Random Float in Range of Min value 2.0 to Max value to 5.0. On the Delay exit, I repeated the process changing the Y value to 0,25 with another delay on exit of 0.02 seconds and repeated this process until the eye was fully closed. After the eye was fully closed I added a delay on exit to 0.1 seconds to make the blink appear more natural and when the eye was halfway open again, I made the exit point go back to the first Set Vector Parameter Value on Materials to repeat the process