i want to spawn particle meshes from sockets and the particles should have the same orientation that the sockets have.
this i want to use for footprints, and i dont want to use blueprints for this, if its possible…
i just can orient the meshes to the camera but not to the socket orientation or the footprint are aligned to world space . what can i do?
cmon guys am i the only one with this issue??
did you solve this? Most likely the check the Use Local Space on the required module.
Then if thats not it. Set your screen alignment to PSA type specific. Under Mesh Module, Mesh Alignment to Face Camera Lock Axis, Axis Lock Option X, Camera Facing Option to X Axis Facing X no up, or whatever works for you. Sorry its very confusing, and the docs are hard to read. Hope this helps tho.
I can check into this for you. There was a request quite some time ago for the ability to spawn particles with local transforms applied, and then allow them to simulate in world space once spawned.
I was having a similar issue some time ago…
Local space is not going to work, because he wants to get the foot orientation and spawn the mesh to align to the direction he is walking. If I am understanding correctly without any images, what is happening is that if his mesh is aligned with toes down X and he walks along X the footprints will align, but if he deviates and orients down -Y,Y,-X his footprints are not aligned properly.
So what he needs is to spawn into the world accounting for the local transform of the socket, but then leave the mesh behind on world space so that the footprints don’t move around the world with him.
I am trying to think of a way to do this without code/Blueprint support…
You can try and setup AnimNotifies for each foot placement and spawn your effect oriented for each foot fall…
…or maybe try this, it’s a total hack, use a velocity aligned particle with initial velocity set to whatever your fwd axis on your socket is aligned to the foot.
On the velocity particle module use an event generator set to spawn. Then use an event ReceiverSpawn to spawn your footprints, set inherit velocity on the receiverSpawn module, then add a drag module with a crazy high value to your footprint mesh to stop the footprints from moving in the velocity direction.
This is if you don’t want to use Blueprint, which I would suggest trying…
hey guy
sorry for the late answer…
the comment after the first answer is like the technic i tried to use, but than the footsteps are all aligned in one direction but on the position were the foots where set on the ground…
and when i use this with local space the footsteps hanging all on the foots not on the ground…
the ideas from homeRye are very interesting and i will look into some of them.
but if its such a big hustle i will try it with blueprints…
thanks for the answers!
I am sorry for any delay on this, I am also experiencing the issue and it has been updated in our bug database.
Thank you for your patience.