What are the “best practice” conventions for accessing assets in my content folder from a c++ file? I have found ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder and LoadObject, but I couldnt get LoadObject to work.
maybe you are adding the wrong path?
to get the right address: right button over an asset and select COPY REFERENCE and it will keep the right path in the buffer so you can CTRL+V it
static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UStaticMesh> MeshAsset(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Engine/VREditor/Devices/Vive/VivePreControllerMesh.VivePreControllerMesh'"));
Assign from anywhere:
UMaterialInterface* mat = LoadObject<UMaterialInterface>(nullptr, TEXT("Material'/Game/MAterials/BaseMat.BaseMat'"));
creating a component in an actor:
UCameraComponent* Camera = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(TEXT("Camera0"));
creating a generc object:
UMyObject* MyObject = NewObject<UMyObject>();
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when initializing a generic object the following solution has appeared to work for me up until now at least
UMyObject* MyObject = new UMyObject();
Thanks eldany.uy! I’ve been struggling with this for a week. In hindisght it doesnt seem so hard…
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