Hi I’m a beginner at Unreal C++ programing.
I want to deselect assets from Content Browser.
#include "ZFunction.h"
#include "Engine/Selection.h"
#include "EditorUtilityLibrary.h"
void UZFunction::CalledFromPython(FString InputString) {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("%s"), *InputString);
void UZFunction::SelectAssets(FString AssetPath)
TArray<UObject*> SelectedObjects = UEditorUtilityLibrary::GetSelectedAssets();
uint32 counter = 0;
for (UObject* SelectedObject : SelectedObjects)
if (ensure(SelectedObject))
I found USelection but it doesn’t work
How can I use Deselect function on UObject?
And is there a way to deselect assets in Python?