Hey guys! I am in the process of making a multiplayer stealth game and I was wondering how to make an area for my player to hide in. For example, I would like to create bushes that my player can enter. When my player is in the bushes, I would like the AI pawn-sensing component to skip over him. I have thought about simply turning off the pawn-sensing component when I am in the bushes, however, I would like the AI to still be able to sense the other players that are not hiding. How would this be accomplished? Thanks a lot!
Make a bool on your character when he goes in the bush. True if in it. False if not in it.
Now on your AI get the bool when you sense the player but if true do nothing, but if false then attack.
I hope this helps.
If you’re using a Raytrace function to find line of sight, create a blocking volume or asset that only blocks the line of sight while in the bush.
Too easy! thanks so much for the help!
Thank you for the help!