I have an animation of a car doing some burnouts and circles. I was wondering if it’s possible to blur everything around the car and have that blur follow the object while it is doing circles on the asphalt. I will post a picture to make things more clear. If possible, I also wanted to know how to make the car make some skid marks appear as it is turning around but that isn’t so important for now. Thank you very much 
Ps. Had to hide the car for legal purposes
There are different ways to make that effect. You could blur everything except the car using a custom depth mask. You could use a sphere mask(s) that uses the actor position as the center. The sphere mask and custom depth mask could be used together. Something like everything in the sphere is blurred except the car because it uses custom depth.
I posted distortion effect over on realtimevfx you could look into as well.
Ŧhanks for the answer! So I put a custom depth mask on the car and now I am trying to figure out how to make it ‘‘unblur’’. Because it is still all blurred.
The car mesh needs to be set to render to custom depth. The mask is something like scenetexture: custom depth - scenetexture:scenedepth → mask r → if(greater than zero) → lerp between blurred and unblurred.