I believe this is a bug. I have the same issues and stopped trying to organize the C++ files at all.
If you use classes//private directory structure put you code in private and headers to classes also remeber to have cs file with build script from StrategyGame there too, also this build script is made so you don’t need to include things as long as oyu got main hader file included (ProjectName.h) if class is not visible you need to forward reference it like this “class ASomeClass;” in header file.
Also note that VS settings are compluitly ignored, UBT only relays on build scripts
I’m attempting to work on top of the “StrategyGame” module, but I’m running into some annoying issues while trying to organize, and also link, new project files that I’ve added.
Basically, I created a new project derived from the StrategyGame project base, added a few classes to source (from the editor’s “add code to project” wizard), and then when I try to reference original headers from StrategyGame (located in StrategyGame/Classes) to my recently added classes (located in StrategyGame/) I get the “cannot open include file” error.
Simple enough fix - add the directories to the include list in the project’s properties. However, when a new class is added from the editor, and I reload the project in VS, the included directories property of my VS project get reset, and so do any filters I add for organizing my new files.
I imagine my naivety with VS is getting the better of me here, any tips for managing project files into directories? Should I just avoid using the editor’s “add code to project” wizard?
Unreal Engine 4.4.1
Visual Studio Express 2013
Windows 7, 64-bit