I have a actor who has a drawSphere() function to draw a sphere in world, and a pure C++ class named SkelPoint.
In SkelPoint I want a sphere drawing function, in other word, I want to call drawSphere() belonging to the actor.
Because the actor draw spheres by runtime mesh component, I can’t just include its header. I need the instance of that actor.
I don’t want the pure C++ class include any Unreal things, so I tried to create a new class to communicate with Unreal. In the new class I take a pointer of the actor as its member. I want to expose it by UPROPERTY so I can set up the pointer in editor. But the class can’t be seen in editor because it inherits nothing from Unreal. If it inherits something like actor then the problem comes back.
I don’t know how to solve this, can someone teach me how?
Thanks a lot.