how can i write an custom Input Action in unreal c++

so i have made a custom input action with the key I, and i wanna know how i can write this BP code in c++


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This can definitely be done more elegantly, but I would defer to how Lyra handles this if you want a better solution. This should work however (keep in mind that you need to set the input action in the actor’s properties):


class MYGAME_API AMyActor : public AActor


    virtual void SetupPlayerInputComponent(UInputComponent* InputComponent);

    void OnToggleInventory();

    UInputAction* ToggleInventory;


void AMyActor::SetupPlayerInputComponent(UInputComponent* InputComponent)
    BindAction(ToggleInventory, ETriggerEvent::Triggered, this, &AMyActor::ToggleInventory);

void AMyActor::ToggleInventory()
    // Do things here

Let me know if I missed anything, since I haven’t tested this.

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i get error on the UInputAction variable and the
BindAction(ToggleInventory, ETriggerEvent::Triggered, this, &AMyActor::ToggleInventory);

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FInputActionBinding CurBinding& = InputComponent->BindAction(TEXT("OpenMenu"), EInputEvent::IE_Released, this, &APlayerControllerGame::ActOnOpenMenu);
CurBinding.bConsumeInput = true;
CurBinding.bExecuteWhenPaused = true;

Where “this” in the example == APlayerController and the implemented method on it ActOnOpenMenu is marked UFUNCTION. Added example of how to set some parameters on the binding but they have defaults . PlayerControllers and Pawns are the common classes to use InputComponents on. If this would be implemented on a UserWidget, forget about InputComponents because they have their own input routing system:

Widget input: It SMELLS

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