How can I use Modelling Tools after converting a group of Static Mesh to a Blueprint?

I am new to Unreal Engine.

I have created a few static meshes using modelling tools, and then selected each individual mesh and converted them to a blueprint class.

My question is, how would I make changes to these meshes using the modelling tools, after converting to a blueprint class? I can change basic mesh details inside the blueprint editor, such as location, scale or rotation. But I cannot see a way to edit the meshes directly using modelling tools. Also, I can’t seem to use some other basic features available in the level editor such as vertex snapping.

Please can I ask what the best practice would be in this scenario? I fully appreciate modelling tools are new and in beta. I just want to know how I would manage making a physical change to a mesh’s geometry after conversion.

Also, for what it’s worth I am using UE 5 Early Access, but from brief research it would seem the same applies in UE 4.

Although the mesh is present in the blueprint, it’s still a copy of the actual mesh you have in your content browser. If you want to change the mesh, you still need to edit the original in the content browser.

Note, that if you do this, the mesh will change in all places that reference it. Levels, blueprints etc.

Also, the general editing in the BP viewport and not the same as in a level. For instance, you cannot ALT-drag to make a copy of something.