How can I turn 'Source Cuemap Angle' into a variable or parameter?

I’m using a third party program that communicates with Unreal and it uses custom events in order to dynamically change some parameters. I’ve been able to access the intensity of the Skylight and also change the HDRI image. What I need is to be able to rotate it, I can do this in Unreal by just changing the number in ‘Source Cubemap Angle’ but unfortunately, I’m unable to find a way in the blueprint to access this and change it. So far I found that I can get the ‘Source Cubemap Angle’ if I drag it from the light component but I can’t find a way to change its value and set it and change it.

Here is an image of how I’m able to change the intensity and change the HDRI

How can I access the ‘Source Cubemap Angle’ from the blueprint? or somehow convert this into a variable or parameter that I can change?

Thank you!