I’m using the official Google VR plugin for cardboard. In our app we need to have a 2d menu (from which the 3d scene can be launched). For this I can disable the stereoscopic rendering (ExecuteConsoleCommand: “stereo off”), but even if I do this, a vertical line stays on the screen with settings gear. How can I disable/remove it?
Also when the app starts up, right after the splash screen a default image is shown with the text: place your phone into your default cardboard viewer. How can I change this image?
Thank you for your responses.
Looking into the Android API, I’ve found that calling the GvrLayout.getUiLayout().setEnabled(false) (or optionally setSettingsButtonEnabled(false) ) is necessary. But can I call a java method from blueprint?
Finally, I’ve found it! Once the Google VR plugin is enabled, there is an Action for blueprints: google VRHMD / setUiLayerEnabled (and all other actions that the vr api exposes).
Hi mikinw, thanks for share this.
I’m working on 4.13.2 and I have the same issue on iOS, but there’s no setUiLayerEnabled function for blueprints.
Have you found another workaround, or I have to use c++ code?
Sorry, I don’t have information on this