How can I spawn the server player on a specific playstart and client on another?

hello all
I have a small 1 to 1 multiplayer game with listen server.
what I want is to have the server player spawn on a specific playstart and the client player always spawn on another specific play start. I have the play starts Tagged differently. appreciate the help

Yes this is possible, you can use the Player Start for this and setup your character so they have tags. The tags can determine the spawn location for each player. I highly suggest you look closer at the Lyra project if you need to setup something like a team spawn.

Thanks for the reply and direction. I do already have two playerstarts in the levels. one is tagged as server and the other as client. both server and client players are 3rd person. I know this should be very simple and have found a few tutorials but they do not show how to do specific playstart. you could notice my Noob status.

For specific player start positions it’s probably best to use explicit spawn transforms in lieu of player starts for the location in my experience… Otherwise, it can get confusing, weird and frustrating trying to distinguish a physical player start.

It would be more like, “hey server, spawn yourself exactly here at this transform.” Instead of, “sort through all these places and pick this one in particular.” On top of it, being the game mode, it doesn’t want to listen to what you are asking it anyway lol.

I think it’s good to keep a copy of those transforms on the game state and give it instructions to select from those since it has a ready copy that it knows about at run time without trying to replicate the requests.

hello @EliasWick ,
so basically this is what I have done but obviously not working
this is what I have in GamemodeBP

and this

but I still see the server player spawning on the other one.
what am I doing wrong?