How can I show the playername in HUD?

I just want to make the ranking of score in HUD like the image below?
But I don’t know how to show the playername in hud_device…
if somebody knows please teach me!


Write {playername} to show the local player.
Write {instigatorname} to show the player that interacted with the device.
Here is an example: “Watch out {playername}, the super power was obtained by {instigatorname}.”
In this case, Each player will see their name in {playername} but {instigatorname} will always show the player that obtained the super powers (in other words the player that interacted with the device)

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Since v26.20, we can now retrieve a player’s name in Verse, it’s not ideal but you can find more info here :

It should also fit better OP needs since he needs to display multiple names at once!


I never knew that! Thanks for that information.

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