How can i set up a planet material?

Now i made a space game (for my thesis), but i want to add some planet. First off all i search for the planet materials on youtube and they are looks great, but i found a planet texture creator named Shiny Man.
I download (Coruscant - Star Wars Planet Texture | 3D model) the Coruscant planet and just start to add the textures to my material, just like in the tutorial videos, but when i try to add the lights (on the planet dark side) it will be so shiny.


I use this video Unreal Engine Planet Shader Tutorial - YouTube and i stuck at 2:54.

How can i fix this? Maybe somebody can make a tutorial video for this?

Can you show your material?

My material elements are same as in the video what i linked at 2:54, just the textures different.

You haven’t copied the material. You need to plug the panner into the UV on your texture:


Yes, but it sets only the rotating of the earth to the night map, so not this is the main problem! My problem is how can i make darker tune to the dark side of the planet (to looks like night light), because the solution is some other way than what shown in the video. The main reason is the Earth lightning texture is .JPG and the Coruscant lightning texture is .PNG with transparent pieces.

But looks like i solved it. I need to connect the A instead of RGB.