How can I set persistent Output Log Window filter prefs?

Hi, I’m fairly new to Unreal and trying to get a lay of the land. Here is my main issue with it so far:

I want an output log that only shows ‘BlueprintUserMessages’ and ‘LogScript’ that clears on PIE play. This way I can do debugging notes that are clear and easy to read each time I hit play where my ‘prints’ don’t get lost at sea.

Whenever I start the editor, I have to filter → clear all. Then look for the specific log filter I want. However, I then can’t even select BlueprintUserMessages until I generate a blueprint print to even show in the list. Same with LogScript. Won’t even show as an option until I get a Blueprint error.

So each time I load , I go have to go into the Player Controller (or any blueprint that is running) and do a print node (to force BluePrintUserMessages category to show in the filter list) and do an array “GET” on an index that doesn’t exist (To force LogScript to exist in the filter list by forcing an error). EVERY TIME I LOAD THE EDITOR.

Can I set some default console commands anywhere that sets the filters to be clear of all messages except for the 2 types I want to see? Anything I can put in an .ini file somewhere? What would be the commands to clear all the filters and then only unfilter the 2 mentioned above?

The real dream is that we can have different output log windows each with their own persistent filter settings so for example one output log has everything and is a continuous list as usual and another that is refreshed on PIE start and only shows Print strings for easy debugging. Yes I know I can print to screen, but it is way cleaner to have everything go to the log window.

I Tried “ENHANCED OUT LOG” from the marketplace and although it solves the persistent filter issue it omitted the “refresh on PIE start” part which makes it unusable for my purposes then. SURELY there is a built in solution?

Well, until someone has a better idea. I found out the ‘Unix Pipe’ symbol allows you to add together filters in the search field. So making custom combos of filters that way.

Really? No one has a way to do this??

Seriously there must be a way to set log defaults.

Where is everybody?

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You’re so close with what you have right there! I was messing about with it and found that you can actually use normal search syntax and logic like “!Logstats” and you can link them together with the | as you have there. For example, if you want to filter out the Logstats and LogBlueprint, you can use “!Logstats | !LogBlueprint”. I keep a little notepad of this while I work. Might be a cool plugin idea to create the option in the editor based on the filter categories though… Maybe my next project! Hope this helps someone. Have a good one :slight_smile: