So I wanted to have my game compare three different variables it keeps track of, to the three ideal versions of those variables, like 3 different pars for a golf course. Thanks in advance
So do you want to compare each variable against another one like A>B 3 and B<3 and C == 3?
You can do bool checks by using <= , >=, ==, and , not and !=. There is also a Compare node.
I want it to A to be divided by B and multipled by another number. The idea is that it would build the score with the players numbers being calculated against the level par/ideal of those.
well you can build that just as you described. Create the 3 variables either as a INT or FLOAT. Then you can give them a default value or whatever as needed. You can drag a variable in and to change it use SET and of course use GET to grab a value. So you would use GET version of variable A drag a string off it and then choose the / or type divide then just plug the wires in as needed.
Would I set those in the level blueprint and then have them interface or is there a different way to do that?
gamemode is what you want to use to handle your gameplay rules and scoring. level is more for like doors and level events stuff like those.
How would I make it change from stage to stage, would they just have to be separate variables inside the gamemode? Thank you for your help btw,
You could either build the entire golf course on one level; so you wouldn’t have to load another level to go between holes. Or, you could save the player’s score at the end of one level, and then load it at the beginning of the next level. The Tappy Chicken example project has a good example of how to use the save game system in UE4.
The Game State class is where gameplay rules and game scoring should go. You can create a Class Blueprint based on the GameState class; be sure to set your custom GameState class to be the one your level’s GameMode uses.
GameMode handles the rules of the game and GameState handles the state of the game.
It basically updates the status of the game based on what the GameMode says. Think of it sort of like a commentator not the referee.