How can I set bUseQuaternionInterpolation in UMovieScene3DTransformSection using c++

You can set the flag while creating the object (aka, pass it to constructor)

UMovieScene3DTransformSection::UMovieScene3DTransformSection(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
	: Super(ObjectInitializer)
	, bUseQuaternionInterpolation(false)

How can I set bUseQuaternionInterpolation in UMovieScene3DTransformSection using c++

I can get it like this but I can’t set it

bool MyClass::Sections(UMovieScene3DTransformSection* Section)

Is there a way to do this after create because they are created automatically by the sequencer when press “S”

Looks like this hasn’t been exposed. We’ll add this in the next release. For now, if you’re compiling yourself, you can add this to MovieScene3DTransformSection.h

MOVIESCENETRACKS_API void SetUseQuaternionInterpolation(bool bInUseQuaternionInterpolation) { bUseQuaternionInterpolation = bInUseQuaternionInterpolation; }