How can I respawn a Player at death(eg. falling bellow killing z)

you could spawn in an actor and call your character and then possess it, for where to spawn that’s all up to you

Basically the question. I read through multiple Questions like this already without finding a solution. The Game is singleplayer

Hi, so first you need a logic to kill the player like: get Z position , or check if overlaps some box where you want.

To Check player Z location:

.1 Create a FVector someName=GetActorLocation();

.2 Create a if like: if(someName.Z<10){…Kill then Spawn …}

To Kill make the way you want some like:

.1 blood screen with the text You died the press a button “Spawn”

To Spawn make like this:

.1 Create a FVector someThing=FVector(10.f,0.5f,100.f); //this is to New Spawn Location and the numbers are only a EXAMPLE check (FVector | Unreal Engine Documentation).

.2 Create a FRotator someABC=FRotator(20.f,10.f,50.f); //To set the rotate and the numbers are only a EXAMPLE check (FRotator | Unreal Engine Documentation).

.3 To Spawn like this: GetWorld()->SpawnActor(GetClass(), someThing, someABC); //this line must be on the actor class that you want to spawn. Check this (UWorld::SpawnActor | Unreal Engine Documentation).

A last thing after spawn dont forget to destroy your player, so Just call Destroy();