Hello Chiomunch
If you merged your assets by using “Unreal’s developers tool” in the editor, and if you “checked” merge materials setting, after merging you get one static mesh. But at the same time you merge the UVs of every single asset into one big atlas. And one compIex material to drive textures to merged objects. I don’t think you can replace the UV’s with old ones after this operation. Goodluck.
Currently my team is working on a 3D city with several unique houses, built with modular assets (doors, windows, roomshapes etc.). For prototyping we use automatically generated UV’s for each of these assets, because of lack of time.
After stacking the modular assets together to build a house, we need to export them as a merged or grouped object, so our level designers dont have to deal with the whole list of tiny objects they are built with and have a variety of finished buildings to pick from.
Later on we want to replace the automatically generated UV’s with good ones for each modular object.
I’ve tried to merge the modular assets to a single object, but when i replace a UV inside of one of the modular assets, it does not replace them inside of the merged object.
Can you guys help us to find a way to organise our modular-assets-merging & texturing techniques?
Thank you in advance!