How can I rebuild the source of unreal 4.10?

I’m trying to change some code in the source code, but when pressing the “Build” option or the “Rebuild” option, visual studio will just print:

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: UE4, Configuration: BuiltWithUnrealBuildTool Win32 ------
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

I know i could build the source in earlier versions of the engine, So what is different now?

Hello ,

Where are you pressing the Rebuild button? You could not be building the correct project. To ensure that you’re able to rebuild, you can also try right-clicking the UE4 solution inside of the Solution explorer, selecting ‘Clean’ and then trying to build afterwards. This should remove all of the binaries and allow you to rebuild.

I’v tried to use the clean button too but it didn’t help.

Btw I’m using the launcher version but I’m pretty sure it supposed to work there as well right?

The launcher version is a Binary version of the build that cannot be rebuilt manually. It does not include the necessary files and also has multiple files set to Read Only. If you wish to be able to compile the engine, you’ll need to download a source version from Github. You can find out how to do that here:

Please be aware that there was a mixup recently and 4.11 is what is being used for the Release branch. If you want to 4.10, you’ll need to specify that instead of choosing Release.

Alright thanks!