So, i want to make a long wall for a horror game, but when i stretch out the cube mesh it stretches the texture too, making it very low res and really stretched. how can i prevent that? is there like a box to untick? please help!
Have a look at UV coordinates. From the UV node of your texture, drag out and type “Tex coord” to get a Texture Coordinate node. On that node you will find options to tile either X or Y (U or V in texture space).
Hi man, i am not sure that you can get the perfect resize of the texture.
There are two ways,
the one posted by
otherwise you have to create by costruction script a lot of tiny walls (static mesh)…
you cant have a wall with a particular length lets say 12.78 m… only multiple of your mesh.
Both side have some work and problems…
Hey take a look at this video he explains it pretty well on how to achieve something like this:
Scale Independent UVs for UE4
Thanks guys! i opted to just hook a textureCoordinate onto the UV of all textures in the blueprint, also i added a multiplier and a changeable value so i can dynamically change it in game. Again thanks!