Hi , how can i prevent motion controller to overlap objects ? i attached a static mesh (hand) to motion controller but no matter what option i chose to block it from overlapping other box it just overlap it , is there are a way to make other object block my hand from overlapping them ? its easy with normal game mechanic as everything woks fine but with motion controller blocking is not working
You don’t want to attach a mesh to the motion controller in this case- the players hand will never be stopped by physics.
Here’s what I would do -
Create an actor, and attach the mesh as a component to it.
In its tick, do a collision sweep from the actors current position to where the motion controller is.
If there’s a collision, do not update the actors position. If there IS a collision, move the actor to where the controller is.
Hi mhnoni,
Have you try this method? Working?
I have a HTC Vive … I used the template provided (4.16) and actually, as soon as one “hand” (motion controller) takes an object, it overlap in the other object until it has been dropped …
I’m not very good on Blueprint making, but if you could find a solution, I’m very interested! Thank you