How can I move forward in VR depending on camera?

Hello guys! I’ve this problem:
I’m using the camera’s forward vector to move where the camera is facing. I actually have this blueprint

It works fine, the problem is that if I look up, the character doesnt move, I understans that this happens because the player is trying to move along the Z axis ( the vertical one ), and it’s not possible due to gravity.
So… I’m trying to move the character where the camera is facing, but ignoring the vertical axis and letting him move even he’s looking up or down. Thank you so much!

To get a consistent move speed, you need to remove the Z component of the vector and the normalize the result. The Normalize 2D node does both of these operations in one.

For a general solution that doesn’t assume Z is up, there is a blueprint node to project a vector onto a plane, which you would them want to normalize.