I have two individual objects that run off the same texture map (the are both uv mapped to the same map to save space and maps), with their materials uv mapped accordingly to their meshes. When I apply the material to the objects in Maya, it allocates the materials fine, according to the uv map. But in Unreal, I make a material for the texture, but when i apply it to the objects the texture freaks out.
It pretty much bottles down to; is there a way to turn on UV allocation in Unreal? Or is their a way to turn off auto texture sizing in unreal?
(My god, I have to go through all my old stuff and answer all my old questions because I was a dumb ;') )
Pretty much it’s easy:
1. Create as many UV Sets as you need in Maya (or your own modelling program)
2. Then for each face that you want on a different UV map (aka if it was a pistol, the barrel and action parts would be on one UV map, and the pistol handle and other things would be on the another UV map) you would UV unwrap like you would normally, unwrapping faces to their user-assigned UV sets (aka u choose which one to place them).
3. Create two materials (in my case) in your modelling program and assign all the faces from the first UV map to the first material and assign all the faces from the second UV map to the second material (these will show up in UE4 if you Import All when you are importing to the engine)
4. Export and texture both UV maps
5. Import all your assets (Model and Textures)
6. Make two materials and drag in your the first texture into the first material and same with the second texture with the second one.
7. Now click on your second material texture that you placed, and you’ll see in the Details panel that there is a variable called Const Coordinate. Change that to 1 (and then repeat the process with all your materials and textures)
DONE (just be wary that UE4 makes it’s own lightmap UV Map when you import your model. It’s always set to the last UV map in the array of UV maps that you have on the model, so no sweat. If UE4 detects overlapping UVs on the lightmap, it might look dodgy when rendering ingame. You can make a custom Lightmap UV map, but yeah, just google that. easy )