How can I make this static mesh tile better

I built a wall plane that has some slight deformation to it for the purposes of making a stone tiling wall. I did this to give the normal map a little help in making the wall look like rough stone. I’ve setup a lightmap uv with plenty of padding around the edges and made sure to change the index to 1 and the resolution to 64. Increasing the resolution beyond this doesn’t really improve the situation. I’ve tested the normal map with flat planes and there are no seams when it tiles, so I know that isn’t a problem. In Blender I’ve taken the original mesh and created duplicates to surround it, joined them together and then welded the edge verts to create a tiling mesh. That seems to be ok, the vertices around the edges of the mesh line up in Unreal and in Blender.

The only thing I can think of is that the way the mesh deforms around the edges creates a slight pinch or v shape to the topology. I’ve seen the same behavior in Blender as well as Unreal, so I don’t think that it’s a bug or anything. I really just need some advice on how to eliminate it.

Upon further review, I think this is the same thing everybody else is having problems with when it comes to lightmass and modular static meshes.