How can I make the fractured part of Chaos Destruction disappear?

Hi, all,

I hope to make a part of a Chaos Destruction Fractured actor that has already shattered disappear. This is in the my customized code of Geometry Collision, but it has not been successful. If anyone can give me some advice, I would be very grateful.

void UGeometryCollectionComponent::SetDebrisVisibility(int32 itemIndex, bool visibility)
	TArray<int32> itemIndices;

	// Remove the identified pieces
	//DynamicCollection->RemoveElements("Transform", itemIndices);
	DynamicCollection->Active[itemIndex] = visibility;
	//DynamicCollection->DynamicState[itemIndex] = visibility;
	DynamicCollection->SimulatableParticles[itemIndex] = visibility;

It appears that I cannot simply modify the GameDynamicCollection , which is only synchronized from the Physics Dynamic Collection . I need to find a method to alert the GeometryCollectionPhysicsProxy to disable its simulation initially. Then find a way to not rendering the fractured part mesh.