Hi, the idea is to make “radar” system and if certain things are done, it will display red dot on my item widget. I have got certian location on map, and i need to somehow display it on my item widget, so how can i do it, i am also need to make it rotating, becouse my “radar” placed in hands of character so it needs to point the location. If i am not certain with my question ask me, i will try to explain better.
Hey @PePsiCoLniyVeYp!
Hate to be the bearer of bad news here but… you’re going to have a hard time trying to get someone to just make something for you, which is what this post seems to be asking for.
Here’s a link to another thread on the forum where people had some suggestions- you can try bringing in some questions when you get stuck but asking how to implement a major system… is why the Unreal Marketplace exists!
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