I am trying to use SNotificationItem to create a neat little notification in my editor code.
I searched some existing editor code and it all seems quite simple, except it doesn’t work for me
I have ad editor plugin that is going to be doing some heavy work and during that work I want to display the notification similar to what you can see when we compile the code via hot reload.
so here is my slate class
void SMyDevelopmentHelper::Construct(const FArguments& InArgs)
ParentWindowPtr = InArgs._ParentWindow;
SAssignNew(NotificationListPtr, SNotificationList)
I then call a method which is supposed to create a notification
void FMyDevelopmentHelper::OnDoingSomeHeavyComputation(const TSharedRef< SNotificationList >& InNotificationList)
FNotificationInfo Info(FText::FromString("A Notification"));
Info.bUseLargeFont = true;
Info.bFireAndForget = true;
Info.bUseSuccessFailIcons = true;
Info.ExpireDuration = 5.0f;
Info.FadeInDuration = 2.0f;
Info.FadeOutDuration = 2.0f;
TSharedPtr<SNotificationItem> Notification = InNotificationList->AddNotification(Info);
if (Notification.IsValid())
I am hoping that someone at Epic can tell me what I am missing to get this code to work.