How can I make my character aim at first person?

Currently I am working on a project similar to Ghostrunner and karlson. But I am not sure how do i make my character aim. I heard I need to use aim offset but all aim offset videos are third person. How do i do this in first person?

Hey @Aga45678

look for Aim Down Sight tutorials:

Thanks, which one do you suggest for a game like mine?

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Hello Aga,

Thanks for posting those vids Lizard.

What I would do is watch several aim-down-sights videos. (And implement them in a new project), then once you’ve gained an understanding of what goes into an ADS system you will know what type of design best serves the experience you are trying to create.

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Okay, thanks!

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Hey I thought they were the ones I was looking for but actually I am looking from how to make my character’s arms move where I look. How can I do that?

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Here is the video

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Hey @Aga45678

Oh, ok, look at this:

Default character

Lyra character