How can I make my Blueprint actor trigger when it hits the floor?

I’m having this objects drop out of the sky and I want them to explode when they collide with the ground or another actor. I seem to be able to get the explosion to trigger when I have it overlap with a pawn (the player) or another blueprint actor (a projectile blueprint I created), but no matter what I set collision to this object in question simply passed through my floor. It does not seem to matter if it set the ActorBeginOverlap, the Component Begin Overlap for the mesh or collision volume to OverlapAll or any other setting (including BlockAll), the object only passes through the floor.

What am I missing? I’m assuming its a check box somewhere or something like that.

The collision is set to overlap, so it will not generate a hit event.

I’m having this objects drop out of
the sky

How are you moving the object? With physics simulation or some other way?

I see you’re using a projectile movement for this.

  • ensure the Collision Sphere is the root (drag it on top of the Default Scene Root component)
  • ensure the Static Mesh is attached to the collision comp (drag it on top of the collision)
  • ensure the collision is not simulating physics.
  • set the collision sphere to Block All (or at least block what the floor is also blocking)

Use Event Hit of the actor or On Component Hit to detect collision:

Thank you, Everynone. It worked like a charm. I’m a huge fan of yours btw. I love to cheer for you when you top the karma charts.

Ha, awesome stuff. Thank you!