I want an actor to simulate physics so that I can move it and it will accurately react to other physics and non-physics actors, but when a character walks into it it should not be influenced by the character and block the character (like a static non-physics actor would). How can I achieve this?
My character is the common ACharacter. The character can interact with other physics actors so I don’t want to change any character attributes that effects everything. Changing the mass and physics attributes of these special actors causes undesired behavior with other physics actors. I assume I can get the collision overlap and then manually push the character away but I’m hoping for something simpler.
My first suggestion would be to try adding another collision volume to the actor that only blocks Pawns and does not simulate physics, and turning any other collisions on the actor to ignore pawns and simulate physics. If you want it to ONLY block the player, you need to make another collision channel called “Player”, give it to the player collision, and have it default as a pawn would be set up. This should give you the desired result.
That worked great after I stopped it from colliding with itself and made sure the new pawn colliding component was not welded to a parent component simulating physics. Thank you!