I want to make a building system for my third person game that works in multiplayer online
i first startes trying with this tutorial but i saw that it doesent work in multiplayer
I want to make a building system that has the same possibilitis as fortnite, i mean, same structures, it doesent need the animations or anything, if it works im happy.
I spent 2 days tryng to find a tutorial on youtube, reddit, unrealengine answer hub… but theres nothing about this ;-; theres just about building systems but they are not prepared for online multiplayer… if someone could teach me or help me, it would be something very nice from them … thanks :'3
I have discord if someone wants to help me on a call or chat there ^^
:c plz help
I don’t know if this helps with the multiplayer part but here’s a video series I haven’t watched yet but that sounds promising:
First thing about multiplayer is the Actors which are the building parts have to be set to Replicate. If they don’t replicate they will only spawn on the machine that spawned them and not on any other machines in the network.
waiting for someone that can actually tell me how
or teach me, idk, i have discord
you guys can actually tell me how to make any youtube building system tutorial useful with multiplayer, i mean, a pre-created building system from any youtuber that makes tutorials and you guys tell me like: "when you finish the tutorial change X things and it should work.
idk, im so noob at multiplayer things
the thing is that i dont know what i actually need to change and how.
I’m sorry I don’t know what questions to ask you to find out what you need.
If you don’t know enough about multiplayer then it would be a good idea to stop this project and learn how to do very basic simple multiplayer things first. Once you can do that, then the other things will make sense and people can help you better. Kind of like prerequisites for a class in school.
First, learn to just make a simple multiplayer where two Characters can run around and see each other move correctly.
Then learn to spawn new Actors from both the Client and from the Server, and have them appear correctly.
If you already know those two things then you can start thinking about how to make a building system.
For a building system you will need at least:
- the building pieces
- a way to select them
- a way to choose where they will appear when they are created.