How can I know the number of particles in a particular state?

I am sapling a Skeletal Mesh that affects particles in certain ways.

How can I know the number of particles “sampled”/“affected”?

The EMITTER.NumParticles returns the total number of particles, I just want the ones that were sampled by the Skeletal Mesh.

The particles affected by the Skeletal Mesh change velocity from 0,0,0, to 250,0,0. So, another way of knowing the number of sampled particles would be to know how many particles have 250,0,0, velocity and how many 0,0,0.

Could “Particle Attribute Reader” be used for this?


Solved it,
by making a Niagara Particle Callback Handler, I got an array of the particles affected. I just got the Length of that array and that way I got the number of particles affected by the state of my Niagara System. For some reason, the “Length” is not exactly the number of particles, but close enough for my purposes.
