How can I invisible background and still cast the shadow?

Hi, how can hidden the background and still keep the shadow of the tank?
Please help me.

Thank you.

hi @DarknessStone This probably answered in

Disable rendering of object, but keep shadows

It looks to me as if that’s the reverse of what the OP wants.

The OP seems to want the ability to render a shadow, and the object, but not the underlying background (which is a shadow receiver.)

In practice, this is not a well defined operation, because the shape of the shadow on the ground depends on the shape of the ground!

If you believe the ground will be a flat plane, you can put a flat white plane on the ground instead of the textured ground. This will render a flat shadow against the white background. You can then do whatever other rendering you need to do. You might even want to do this using a render target, if you then intend to use the rendered picture for something else.

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