How can I initialization My BP_Bullet in C++?

Hello, I have a question when initializing in Unreal.
I created a bullet C++ class for BP_Player to fire.

And I followed the example of creating a variable called bulletFactory and assigning Bullet in Details of BP_Player in Unreal Editor.

TSubclassOf<class ABullet> bulletFactory;


What I want to know here is, is it not possible to assign BP_Bullet in C++ code rather than assigning BP_Bullet in Unreal Editor?

Like the code below

	bulletFactory = 


It is possible, yes, but keep in mind that the Blueprint implementations don’t exist at the time that C++ is compiled, so you have to get a little creative. Assuming that your BP_Bullet was at /Game/Factories/BP_Bullet in your overall game content, it would be something like:

    static ConstructionHelpers::FClassFinder<ABullet> BulletFactoryBPClass(TEXT("/Game/Factories/BP_Bullet"));
    if (BulletFactoryBPClass.Class != nullptr)
        BulletFactory = BulletFactoryBPClass.Class;

Basically, you need to go find the blueprint on-the-fly at runtime, and then assign the class that way.

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